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Combating Climate Change

"The Canson® paper mills are certified for their low emissions of fossil CO2 into the atmosphere".

What is climate change?

It is the change in the climate due to natural or human factors. This variation is essentially due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, such as CO2, methane, nitrogen oxide, CFC, HCFC, etc. The phenomena observed or forecast are the rise in sea levels, the modification of precipitation patterns leading to an increase in droughts and flooding, and the increase in dramatic climatic events (storms, hurricanes and heat waves) at regional level.

How to combat climate change?

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions at source is the first step in combating climate change. It involves reducing the consumption of energy which emits CO2 and other GHG (non-renewable fossil fuels). This is why Canson® has committed to eco-design in order to reduce its consumption of non-renewable energy. For paper production, GHG emissions mainly stem from the production of paper pulp, and to a lesser extent from transport. To optimize transport, the Canson® paper mills are only a few kilometers away from the sites which process the paper and make products such as the Canson® drawing paper pack.

What are our commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

We choose suppliers which deliver raw materials produced under the most virtuous conditions, notably from sustainably managed forests. Insofar as possible, we use local raw materials and resources to reduce transport between site.

Did you know?
CO2 is the greenhouse gas which has the lowest global warming potential and the one which is emitted in the largest amount. Its emission, which is regulated at European level, will soon be regulated on the global scale.